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Master the Ways of Marketing

Mailchimp 101
We’ll walk you through the basics of email marketing to get you started, and give some valuable tips along the way to help keep you on the right path.
Read about our latest and greatest product announcements and updates to your favorite Mailchimp features.

Introducing Mailchimp Stores and Appointments
We’ve launched commerce solutions that help businesses launch their online store, offer appointments, market and grow their business—all in one place.

Marketing Strategies for Small Business: A Mailchimp Report
SMBs, marketers, and entrepreneurs like you need insights, data, actionable takeaways, and more than a little inspiration. We've got you.

Data story
Mailchimp’s 2020 Annual Report
It was a hard year, but our customers and communities found creative ways to succeed. Wander around our annual report to find out how.
Success stories
Get some real-life inspiration from people like you. See how others are building their brands, and get the details you need to follow in their footsteps.

Case Study
How The Happiness Planner Creates More Content in Less Time
Using Mailchimp’s Calendly integration, this e-commerce business is able to quickly broaden their motivational content offering.

Case Study
How Good Dye Young Increased Their Monthly E-commerce Revenue by 305%
The hair dye company uses segments and Mailchimp’s WooCommerce integration to boost the relevance of their messaging and drive more sales.

Case Study
How Stretch & Flex Started and Grew During a Pandemic
Surveys helped the virtual Pilates studio make quick adjustments and plan for long-term success.
Marketing tips
A little knowledge can go a long way. Which is why we’re sharing some smart, simple ways to help you reach your goals, no matter how big or small.

Business Tips
How to Start an E-Commerce Business – A Complete Guide
There’s a lot to do when you’re first figuring out how to start an e-commerce business. It can seem overwhelming to take that first step, but it doesn’t have to be.

Business tips
Website Design Tips That Help You Sell More
Use these e-commerce website design tips to increase your online store sales.

Business Tips
How to Start a Business
Learn about the legal, financial, tax, and marketing considerations of starting a new business.
Guides and tutorials
Whether you’re building your first campaign, learning how to optimize your marketing strategy, or anything in between, we’ll walk you through every step.

Business tips
How to Successfully Start a Small Business Online: Tips and What to Avoid
Find your audience, engage them with marketing campaigns that work, and watch out for a few common pitfalls.

Business Tips
How to Create a Homepage That Drives Clicks
Ideas for designing a homepage that engages visitors and encourages website traffic.

Business Tips
How to Launch a Website
Use this 10-step checklist to create a website that expresses who you are and supports your business success.

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本文出自: https://mailchimp.com/resources/,https://stars.udn.com/star/story/10091/5536887,https://www.setn.com